Customer Common FAQ
The back of each product will be marked with DER JUNG LOGO on it; Such as or D.J .
DJ means Der Jung , 235 means product code , C means color code and D4 means button code.
Products FAQ
It is possible, but we do not guarantee for the safety of replacement. We do recommend you to entrust replacement of machine heads to a Professional division or Musical shop.
The meanings of the color codes are as follows. N (Nickel), C (Chrome), G (Gold), B (Black), AB (Antique Brass), SG (Satin Gold), SN (Satin Nickel).
The main parts of pegs are consisted of gear and worm and easier to cause friction and abrasion. We recommend you to do maintenance regularly. But please do not use too much oil to the parts, as it will causes
the quality of performance.
Classic ; Acoustic ; Electric ; Locking; Ukulele; Guitar-lele; Mandolin; Bass U-Bass and Banjo…etc.
E Series (Wood) P Series (Handmade) D Series (Zinc) M Series (Injection molding) A Series (Injection molding) BS Series (Abalone shellfish).
Purchasing FAQ
it would be our honored to have your order by custom-made or one-off made order. But to make your original parts, we have to ask you to pay additional charges such as design fee, tools fee, these charges will make your original parts much expensive.
Basically Der Jung does not sell our Guitar Machine Heads directly to personal users. Please kindly contact with our web shops.
Please check with our FACEBOOK @MusicalLion1960 ,or click here.
Bulk Package (For Factory) Little Box (Trading Company or Musical instrument Shop) Blister & Hanging Card (Trading Company or Musical instrument Shop).